- 71965
Area (Sq.Km.) - 13
No.of.Streets - 424
Length of Streets (Km) - 144
Length of Water mains (Km) - 92
Length of Sewer (Km) - 0
Length of Open drains (Km) - 46550
No.of Public Fountains - 348
No.of Assessed Houses - 22125
No.of Water Supply Service Connection - 8403
No.of Metered Service Connection - 8403
No.of OHTs - 4
No.of Staff for Water supply works - 8
No.of Vehicles for Garbage Collection - 6
No.of Mechanised Vehicles - 5
No.of Sanitary Staff - 284
No.of Dustbins - 72
No.of Area of Dumping/Compost Yard - 1
No.of Street Lights - 3827
No.of Parks - 4
No.of Schools - 15
No.of Maternity Hospitals - 4
No.of Other Hospitals/Dispensaries - 0
No.of Noon Meal Centres - 36
Total No.of Staff - 479
Total Revenue Collected (1999-2000)- 39378375
Total Expenditure year 1999-2000 - 43060241 |